2011. április 3., vasárnap


Edutainment is a new concept where the world of gaming interacts with the world of education.
1. learning by designing- pupils create their video games
2. learning by playing- playing a video game created by the teacher

Pupils need to collaborate with teachers to ensure that the context is academically sound. They can use 2D/3D game engines. Teachers make a link between learning objectives and the game and ensure that the key concepts were understood by the pupils. Some useful links: www. 3delearning com, www.freepaceman.org, www.freetetris.org/game.php .


I was lucky because I could participate the eTwinning annual conference in Budapest ( 31 March-2 April ).The theme of the conference was empowering pupils.There were about 500 teachers from the countries of the Europien Union.It offered you a lot of useful programmes and workshops. There was a plenary session by Tim Rylands: Teaching to inspire: Raising levels of creativity in all pupils.He showed a plenty of really useful websites, for example:www.againbutslower.com , www.taggalaxy.de .But you can find more info in his blog: @tymrylands.com/blog.